Music Appreciation Day

Sunday, June 5, gave Faith Church the opportunity to give thanks and appreciation for all those involved in the music ministry. Phyllis, our choir director, read the names of those who used their musical gifts during the past year and invited them to stand before the congregation. Pastor Albert thanked Phyllis for her dedication to the music ministry at Faith Church. The musicians and congregation then did a responsive reading of Psalm 150, giving God the glory and praise. A special cake marked the occasion during the time of fellowship.
The following people received recognition and appreciation for having used their gifts in our music ministry during the last year:

Margaret McCarty ,  Annelise Potgieter, pianist worship accompaniest

Albert Potgieter, director, praise team

Marsha Bidoglio, adult choir

Pete Bidoglio, adult choir, praise team

Neil Bostock, adult choir, praise team

Linda Collister, adult choir

Chrissy Duryea, adult choir, soloist

Dakota Duryea, soloist

Ben Gessner, organist

Jack Jenner, adult choir

Larissa Lewis, choir chimes

Linda Lewis, choir chimes

Hannah Moulton, soloist

Aaron Nicoletti, praise team, Christmas Eve Prelude

Faith Nicoletti, praise team, Christmas Eve Prelude

Grace Nicoletti, Christmas Eve Prelude

Leilani Potgieter, praise team,  vocal and instrumental soloist

Reinier Potgieter, praise team, instrumental soloist

Emory Proctor, adult choir

Dawn Young, adult choir, soloist